Push/Pull machines available

New Push/Pull Systems are available We are thrilled to announce the launch of two push/pull machines: the Capstan and the Caterpillar.The Capstan is available in six sizes, with speeds ranging from 200 to 2000 m/min, while the Caterpillar comes in five sizes, with speeds from 100 to 500 m/min. Both machines are designed to enhance […]

La Pintle Lifting Take-Up/Pay-Off est prêt pour vous !

The Pintle Lifting Take-Up/Pay-Off is ready for YOU ! We’re delighted to share some exciting news with you: our team has completed the design of a brand new machine! This machine is designed to preform at very high speeds, it can reach 2000 m/min with dual functionality, it can be used as a pay-off or […]

A new machine being created !

A new machine already available for sale We’re delighted to share some exciting news with you: our team is currently working on the design and creation of a brand new machine! This machine will be polyvalent and can be used as both a pay-off or a take-up, offering an extremely high load capacity between 10000 […]